JHipster Conf will take place in Paris, France on June 21, 2018

The conference will be 100% in English!

JHipster Conf is the first conference on JHipster, the most widely-used Java application generator in the world.

This conference will gather the main JHipster developers, who will present technical sessions on the parts they have each developed.

The main subject will be the new JHipster 5 release, but we will also have specific sessions on Spring Boot 2, modern Web technologies (Angular, React) and cloud deployment.

This conference is organized by Ippon Technologies. Please note that we don't aim to make any money from the conference, and any benefits will be donated to the JHipster Open Collective.

If you want the latest news on the conference, please follow @jhipsterconf on Twitter!

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JHipster Conf is sponsored by




08:30 - 09:30 Welcome and registration Go past the sponsors' booths to reach the breakfast area.
09:30 - 10:40 Keynote on JHipster 5
Latest news on the project, and a focus on Spring Boot 2, React support and the new "blueprints" feature
Julien Dubois
JHipster project lead,
Ippon Technologies
Deepu K Sasidharan
JHipster project co-lead,
10:40 - 11:20 Why Heroku loves JHipster
Joe Kutner
Java Languages Owner at Heroku
11:20 - 12:00 Add SSO to Your JHipster Apps with OIDC
Matt Raible
JHipster core team member,
Developer Advocate at Okta
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch Go past the sponsors' booths to reach the lunch area
14:00 - 14:30 Monitoring JHipster applications with the JHipster Console
Pierre Besson
JHipster core team member,
Ippon Technologies
14:30 - 15:00 Custom and Generated Code Side by Side
How do you use JHipster? You use it for prototyping and throw the code away? You generate the code once, customize it and touch JHipster again? Or like us, you leave the generated code and your custom code living together side by side. In this talk I will show you how we worked with JHipster: updating JHipster frequently, not touching the generated code, and adding ours. Of course, I'll show you the pitfalls we felt in, the glourious moment we had and the doubts we went through.
Antonio Goncalves
Java Champion, Devoxx France
15:00 - 15:30 Improving JHipster + Angular with Lazy Loading and Webpack
Want to know more about the JHipster's webpack configuration and how to improve your application performance using Lazy loading? Let's discover this together!
William Marques
JHipster core team member,
Ippon Technologies
15:30 - 16:00 Creating and managing your application with the JDL
Mathieu Abou-Aichi
JHipster core team member, JDL lead
16:00 - 16:30 Break Go past the sponsors' booths to reach the coffee + "petits fours" area
16:30 - 17:00 Connect your JHipster apps to the world of APIs with Swagger and gRPC
Christophe Bornet
JHipster core team member
17:00 - 17:30 DevOps with JHipster: Continuous Integration and Delivery
Pascal Grimaud
JHipster core team member,
Ippon Technologies
17:30 - 18:00 JHipster on Kubernetes / JHipster on Google App Engine
How to deploy JHipster applications on Google Container Engine (using Kubernetes) and on Google App Engine
Ray Tsang
Google Cloud Developer Advocate,
Ludovic Champenois
Software Engineer,
18:00 - 18:30 Reactive Spring
Josh Long
Developer Advocate at Pivotal
Remember that June, 21st is the world-famous "fĂȘte de la musique" in Paris. If you plan to visit Paris after the event, don't miss this! More information on the official website.

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Download our sponsorship leaflet

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